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About Me & My Journey Here

As a single mother on my own with a 2 and 5 year old in tow 7 years ago I thought the best thing for me to do for my family was to climb the corporate ladder. I gave up on my hopes and dreams of anything creative and lived the zombie life of the corporate world. I scratched and clawed my way up as far as I could without a college education and according to everyone outside looking in, I had made it. Except I hadn't, I was unappreciated, unfulfilled, and in fact still struggling financially. I kept going like the energizer bunny, holding down the fort and carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders but my light was fading, and it was affecting my home life more and more every day, so I finally took a very scary leap of faith and called it quits to live my life in a more fulfilling way. I mean if I was going to struggle anyways, I'd rather at least be happy while doing it. 


I've always been a crafty girl, taking up quilting from a young age with my awe-inspiring Aunt Diana as my teacher and even won an award on one I made in for school. I painted and frosted everything imaginable with my carefree creative Aunt Mary, including a whole wall mural in her own dining room at one point. I took an interest in photography and even learned to develop my own photos in a dark room with my very talented Aunt Roberta when I was a young teen and continued to develop my skills throughout my schooling. I even ended up taking a basic sewing class my senior year and made my own prom dress as one of the assignments.  With all these years of amazing, strong, creative, inspiring woman teaching me as much as my heart desired and nourishing my every creative whim I knew immediately when my light dimmed what I wanted to do with my life.


I wanted to create things. I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny and carve my own path, so here I am with my own business absolutely loving what I do and hoping to bring happiness to the world one design, product and customer at a time. ​I truly hope you love it here and my products bring joy to your life.


​"Everyone deserves to follow their dreams."   â€‹- Shayla Poling -

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